Friday, February 21, 2025

Set + Lighting

 A crucial step in the planning process of our film opening, is finding a suitable location to film. It was a little difficult figuring out a location, but I think we have narrowed it down to the best and most suitable option. 

Along with set, lighting is a crucial step in the planning process. If the lighting on set does not match what is happening in the film, then nothing makes sense. For example, if there is a horror movie with high key lighting, then the audience will be less scared as they would be with low key lighting. This is what makes it so important. 

For our film opening, we knew as soon as we came up with the plot, that we wanted to pursue lowkey lighting. My group and I felt that it was the best choice.

Let's talk about the set/location options for the crime scene:

Town Center

The first location that my group and I thought of was this area local to us. Although it is very lively, we thought that if we went at night, we could set up our crime scene where there weren't a lot of people. We came to the conclusion that this wouldn't be the best spot because of how lively it is. This doesn't suit the creepy, lonely vibe we were going for.


The second location that was brought up was an alleyway right next to my local movie theater. We almost ended up going with this location but ultimately chose not to just because we wanted to go with a setting that looked like it would be next to someone's house. 


The last and final option (the one we ended up going with), is a local park that has a good amount of sidewalk where we could set up the crime scene. Because we are filming this at night, it will look less peaceful, and more creepy. I believe that this was the best option considering our visions for the opening.

Let's talk about the lighting options for the crime scene:
Like I mentioned before, we are going to be using low-key lighting to illustrate a creepy environment. Because we are filming at night, we are using our phone flashlights, and a small ring light to provide some sort of lighting. My group and I were a little hesitant to film at night because it is a little tough to provide well enough lighting, but because we are recording a crime scene, we felt it was best to record at night time.

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