Saturday, February 22, 2025

Planning the Audio

Audio is important when creating a film. Whether it is sound effects or music, audio can change the audience's emotions and feeling when watching a scene. Today we are going to be discussing the audio within our film opening.


Foleys are sound effects made for films; except they are manually made. For example, if there is a scene of someone stepping on a stick, a foley artist can break a piece of celery to make it sound loud and noticeable. 

The noises that we are going to create foleys for are:
-crumbling paper
-throwing paper in trash

Here is a video that better explain foleys and gives some examples of how to create your own:

Diegetic Resource
Diegetic sounds are sounds that are made by objects or elements within the scene itself. For example, dialogue between characters. This is dietetic because it is actually happening in the narrative world. 

Diegetic noises we will include are:
-all of the foleys
-sirens from police car

Nondiegetic Resource
Nondiegetic sounds are sounds that aren't actually heard in the narrative world. For example, music. Now, I am not talking about a character pressing "play" on a boom box and music playing. I am talking about if there is a montage of a character, and a song is playing in the background.

Nondiegetic noises we will include are:
-a song 

I am not going to lie, picking a song to use in our film opening has been hard. We have tried contacting two people. For the first song, "These Boots Are Made for Walkin," we contacted the singer Nancy Sinatra, and we got no response... it's okay though because we were going to use that song for a whole different plot idea so it would not really work out anymore anyways... I guess. The second person is someone who we were going to contact, but then we found out he is...ummm...dead. His name is Vangelis, and the song is La Petite Fille De La Mer. 

We still have to find a song to use because those two did not end up working. I think that instead of contacting an artist to get permission to use their song, we are just going to use a copyright-free song instead because that will probably save us some time and be easier.

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