New week means new blog posts! For today's post, I am going to give you the breakdown on how my group and I developed the characters for our film opening. I am also going to show you a glimpse into who these characters really are.
When naming our characters, my group (Camila and Omer) and I wanted to do some research to make sure we would choose suitable names. We decided on naming the main character, Ben. This name is said to be strong, yet charming. This plays into how Ben is charming towards some but not to all. Moving onto the drug dealers... Omer searched up commonly used names for drug dealers and two that caught her eye were Ivan and Maverick. The last main character in our film is Mr. Travers. If I am being so very honest, I had nothing to do with choosing this name, but as soon as my group members told me it, I thought it was perfect! Something about the name "Travers" just sounds so "detective." Omer actually got this name idea from the author, Pamela Lyndon Travers.
I often find mood boards to be very helpful because they give off the basic understanding of a specific character. I created a mood board for each of the main characters!!!
(Also, keep in mind that these mood boards are more the "vibe" of the characters, rather than the costuming because my group and I still have to discuss the specifics.)
Ivan & Maverick
Mr. Travers
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