My approach to this project was to show a girl enjoying her lunch with her friends and then when she reaches into her lunch box, she finds a note. Once the note is found, memories are shown to show all the times the girl's mom did stuff for her like; making breakfast, cleaning dishes, tucking her into bed, etc. The last memory shown is the mom writing a note to the girl. The memories come to an end and then the girl feels very appreciative towards her mom.
Before actually filming the video, my partner and I brainstormed and planned what we wanted to do in it. We also created a storyboard. To brainstorm, my partner and I discussed what we wanted our video to be about (the storyline). Then, we created our storyboard by drawing out what was going to happen in each shot and also what shot/angle we were going to use. Once we finished planning out our short film, we started recording it.
When editing the video, I used I-Movie. I made sure to include some of the techniques which I had learned in class. For example, the jump cut. This technique was very helpful in the scene where the girl (me) and her friends were walking to the lunch table. It just shortened that scene without leaving out important details.
For this project, I believe that something I succeeded in was using the correct shots/angles to match with the scene. Something that I would like to improve in for next time would be the way that I edited my video. Since editing is still very new to me, I do not know how to correctly edit the video without making it look choppy.