For this quiz, we were told to tell a story using 15 shots but only using pictures. The purpose of this assignment was not only for us to understand what each shot is, looks like, and means, but also to match each chosen shot with the best fit for that part in the story.
We decided to make our story about a water bottle with human-like features. It was at school and had to find its way to the bathroom so it can get ready to go to cheerleading practice.
When approaching this assignment, I think that we did a good job in getting the correct shots and angles. I do think that something that I could have done better was making the story more clear because it is pretty hard to understand and know what is going on. In addition to that, we also should have made the parts in the story match up better with the chosen shot. It was difficult to find the correct shot for the story parts because the water bottle doesn't have any emotions.
I enjoyed doing this assignment because I am interested in learning more about the different shots and angles used in the media that we use and watch everyday!